Grill Perfectly: How Long Do You Grill Chicken for?

Grill chicken for 6-8 minutes per side over medium-high heat until it reaches an internal temperature of 165°f. Grilled chicken is a crowd-pleaser for any summer barbecue or dinner party.

It’s a healthy and flavorful option that pairs well with a variety of sides and sauces. Grilling chicken may seem intimidating for those new to the grilling game, but it’s actually a simple process that yields delicious results. The key to perfectly grilled chicken is to not overcook it, as it can dry out quickly.

In this article, we’ll give you some tips for grilling the juiciest, most flavorful chicken you’ve ever tasted.

Grill Perfectly: How Long Do You Grill Chicken for?


Getting The Perfect Temperature

Grilling chicken is an excellent way to get a delicious and healthy meal. But how long should you grill it for? One of the essential factors to consider is the temperature. In this post, we will cover everything you need to know to get the perfect temperature for your grilled chicken.

Why The Temperature Is Important

Cooking chicken at the right temperature not only ensures that it’s safe to eat, but it also guarantees that it retains its delicious taste and texture. Here are some of the reasons why getting the temperature correct is essential:

  • The ideal temperature ensures that the chicken is cooked thoroughly and is safe to eat.
  • It prevents undercooked or overcooked chicken, which could affect the meat’s texture and flavor.
  • The correct temperature helps keep the chicken juicy and tender.

The Best Temps For Beginner Cooks

Grilling chicken might seem intimidating for beginner cooks, but it doesn’t have to be. Here are some standard temperatures and guidelines to follow:

  • The internal temperature of the chicken should reach at least 165°f (74°c). Invest in a meat thermometer to check this accurately.
  • Start by preheating the grill to a medium heat of around 350°f (about 180°c).
  • Grill your chicken for about 6 to 8 minutes on each side, depending on the thickness of the chicken.

Knowing When The Chicken Is Cooked

Apart from using a meat thermometer, there are other ways to tell if your chicken is cooked correctly:

  • Check the juices. If the chicken’s juices run clear, it’s cooked.
  • Cut into the thickest part of the chicken. If it’s white with no pink inside, it’s ready.
  • The chicken feels firm to the touch.

With these tips, you can grill your chicken to perfection every time. Just remember to keep an eye on the temperature and use the recommended temperatures and guidelines.

Preparing The Chicken

Grilling chicken is one of the simplest and most delicious ways to enjoy this poultry. With the right preparation, you can achieve juicy, and tender chicken every time you fire up the grill. In this post, we will explore everything you need to know about grilling chicken, including preparing the chicken.

Cleaning The Chicken

Before you season the chicken or marinate it, you need to ensure that it is clean. Here are the key points to keep in mind when cleaning the chicken:

  • Rinse the chicken under cold water and pat it dry with paper towels.
  • Ensure that there are no remaining feathers or quills on the chicken.
  • Remove any excess fat, but do not remove all of it since it adds flavor and moistness to the chicken.
  • You can also remove the skin, but it’s not necessary unless you’re watching your calorie intake.

To Marinate Or Not To Marinate?

Marinating the chicken before grilling adds flavor and moisture to the chicken, making it more tender. However, not everyone likes to marinate their chicken. Here are the key points to keep in mind regarding marinating the chicken:

  • Marinating chicken for at least 30 minutes to 24 hours improves its taste, but it’s best not to marinate for more than two days.
  • If you don’t have time to marinate the chicken, you can opt for a dry rub to add flavor.
  • You can prepare a marinade or dry rub of your choice, but you can also use store-bought options for convenience.

How Long To Marinate Or Let Dry Rub Sit

Marinating the chicken for too long can affect its texture, making it mushy instead of tender. Here are the key points to keep in mind when it comes to the length of time to marinate or let the dry rub sit:

  • Marinate the chicken for between 30 minutes and 24 hours.
  • Allow the chicken to sit with the dry rub for at least 15 minutes and up to 24 hours.
  • Remember to remove any excess marinade or dry rub from the chicken before grilling to avoid flare-ups.

Preparing the chicken is the first step to achieving a delicious grilled chicken meal. Ensure that it’s properly cleaned, and decide whether to marinate it or use a dry rub. Keep in mind that the length of the marinade shouldn’t be too long, and always remember to remove any excess marinade or dry rub before putting it on the grill.

By following these tips, you can enjoy juicy, tender, and flavorful grilled chicken in no time.

Techniques For Grilling Chicken

Grilling chicken is a flavorful and healthy way to eat this versatile protein. Whether you are a grilling expert or a beginner, learning the right technique is key to making the perfect grilled chicken. In this post, we will explore different techniques for grilling chicken.

Let’s get started!

Direct Heat Grilling

Using direct heat grilling is perfect for cooking boneless and skinless chicken breasts, thighs, or wings, and for searing chicken to lock in its natural juices. Here are some key points:

  • Preheat your grill to high heat.
  • Rub the chicken with your favorite seasoning or marinade.
  • Place the chicken on the grill and cook for 5-7 minutes per side, depending on the thickness of the meat.
  • Use tongs to flip and turn the chicken to prevent overcooking or charring.
  • Check the internal temperature with a meat thermometer and ensure it has reached 165°f before taking it off the grill.

Indirect Heat Grilling

Using indirect heat grilling is ideal for cooking whole chickens or chicken pieces with bone-in because it cooks the chicken more evenly without burning or drying it out. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Preheat your grill to medium heat on one side and leave the other side without heat.
  • Rub the chicken with your favorite seasoning or marinade.
  • Place the chicken on the side without heat, bone-side down, and cook for approximately 45 minutes to an hour, depending on size.
  • Check the internal temperature with a meat thermometer and ensure it has reached 165°f before taking it off the grill.

Combination Of Direct And Indirect Heat

Using a combination of direct and indirect heat is perfect for large chicken cuts like whole chicken, as well as chicken pieces like legs or thighs, as it allows the chicken to cook on the inside while having a crispy outer layer.

Here’s how you can give it a try:

  • Preheat your grill to medium heat.
  • Rub the chicken with your favorite seasoning or marinade.
  • Sear the chicken on both sides using direct heat grilling for 2-3 minutes per side.
  • Move the chicken to the indirect heat side, bone-side down, and cook further for 30-40 minutes.
  • Check the internal temperature with a meat thermometer and ensure it has reached 165°f before taking it off the grill.

So, these are the three techniques you can use to grill chicken to perfection. Whether you’re using a gas or charcoal grill, these techniques will help you make delicious and juicy grilled chicken every time. Happy grilling!

Common Mistakes To Avoid

Grilling chicken is a delicious and healthy way to enjoy this versatile protein. However, it can be tricky to get it just right. Avoid these common mistakes when grilling chicken to ensure juicy and delicious results every time.


Overcooking chicken is a common mistake that can result in dry, tough meat. To avoid this, make sure to use a meat thermometer to check that the internal temperature of the chicken reaches 165°f (74°c). Cook the chicken until this temperature is achieved and then remove it from the grill.

Here are some tips to help you avoid overcooking chicken:

  • Keep the grill at a medium temperature to prevent the chicken from burning or overcooking.
  • Avoid opening the grill lid too often as it can cause a drop in temperature, leading to overcooking.
  • Consider marinating the chicken, which can help keep it moist and tender during grilling.


Undercooked chicken can lead to food poisoning, so it’s important to make sure the chicken is fully cooked before serving. To prevent undercooked chicken, use a meat thermometer to ensure the internal temperature reaches 165°f (74°c).

Here are some tips to help you avoid undercooking chicken:

  • Use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature of the chicken.
  • Cut into thicker pieces of chicken to check for doneness.
  • Avoid moving the chicken around too much on the grill to ensure even cooking.

Ignoring Resting Time

Resting time is a crucial step in the grilling process that is often overlooked. Resting allows the juices in the chicken to redistribute, resulting in more flavorful and tender meat. To ensure your chicken is juicy and flavorful, let it rest for 5-10 minutes before slicing or serving.

Here are some tips to help you rest your chicken properly:

  • Remove the chicken from the grill and place it on a cutting board.
  • Cover the chicken loosely with foil to keep it warm as it rests.
  • Use this time to prepare any sides or toppings for the chicken.

“Eyeballing” The Chicken

Trying to guess whether chicken is fully cooked by looking at it is risky and can lead to undercooking or overcooking. It’s important to use a meat thermometer to ensure the chicken is fully cooked.

Here are some tips to avoid “eyeballing” the chicken:

  • Invest in a meat thermometer so you can accurately check the internal temperature of the chicken.
  • Make sure the thermometer is inserted into the thickest part of the chicken without touching bone.
  • Use the thermometer as a guide to determine when the chicken is fully cooked.

Serving And Pairing Your Grilled Chicken

Grilling chicken is one of the best ways to cook it. It brings out the flavors and allows you to achieve a crispy exterior and juicy interior. Once you have grilled your chicken to perfection, it’s time to serve and pair it with some scrumptious sides and salads.

Pairing With Sides And Salads

A perfectly grilled chicken is a great start, but it’s the sides and salads that really make the meal. Here are some great pairing ideas:

  • Grilled vegetables such as asparagus, zucchini, or eggplant
  • Baked sweet potatoes or roasted potatoes
  • Rice or quinoa dishes
  • Garden salad with lettuce, sliced cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, and red onions with a vinaigrette dressing

Tips For Presentation

Presentation is key when it comes to food. Here are some tips to make your grilled chicken stand out:

  • Slice the chicken diagonally into thin strips
  • Arrange the chicken strips in a fan shape on a large platter
  • Garnish the platter with fresh herbs such as parsley or cilantro
  • Place the sides and salad around the chicken to make it the centerpiece of the dish

Making The Most Of Leftovers

Grilled chicken can be stored for the next meal or used in meal prep. Here are some ideas:

  • Shred the chicken and add it to a salad or wrap for lunch
  • Cube the chicken and mix it into your favorite pasta dish
  • Slice the chicken and use it as a protein for sandwiches

Recap Of Key Points

  • Pair your grilled chicken with tasty sides and salads to enhance the meal.
  • Use various presentation techniques to make the chicken the centerpiece of the dish.
  • Save leftovers for meal prep or add to other dishes to reduce food waste.

Final Thoughts On Grilling The Perfect Chicken

Grilling chicken can seem challenging, but once you get the hang of it, it’s a great way to cook a tasty and healthy meal. Always ensure the chicken is fully cooked, and the internal temperature reaches 165°f. Experiment with different seasonings and marinades to add more flavors to your chicken.

By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to grilling the perfect chicken every time.

Frequently Asked Questions On How Long Do You Grill Chicken For

How Long Should I Grill Chicken For?

The cooking time of chicken on the grill depends on the thickness of the chicken. Generally, you should grill boneless chicken breasts for around 6-8 minutes per side and bone-in chicken for around 12-15 minutes per side. Ensure that the internal temperature of the chicken reaches 165°f before serving.

How Can I Prepare Chicken For Grilling?

Before grilling chicken, you can marinate it in your favorite marinade for at least 30 minutes or up to 24 hours in the fridge. Also, ensure to season the chicken with salt and pepper before placing it on the grill.

Using a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature is always a good idea.

Should I Oil The Grill Before Grilling Chicken?

Yes, it is always recommended to brush the grates with oil before grilling chicken to prevent sticking. You can use a neutral oil with a high smoke point like vegetable oil or canola oil. Additionally, you can also lightly brush the chicken with oil before grilling to avoid dryness.


Grilling chicken is not only an age-old method of cooking but also a delicious way to enjoy this protein-packed meat. Whether you are an experienced griller or a beginner, knowing how long to grill chicken is essential for getting that perfect flavor and texture.

With the right preparation, seasoning, and cooking time, you can serve up a juicy and tender piece of chicken that is sure to impress your guests. Remember to preheat your grill, use a meat thermometer, and follow the suggested grilling times to achieve the desired level of doneness.

So, next time you plan a backyard bbq or a dinner party, keep these tips in mind and be sure to grill up some mouth-watering chicken that will leave everyone asking for seconds.

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